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Bistatic MIMO Radar Waveform Design for SINR Maximization
WU Lei, LI Xiao-bo, ZHOU Qing-song, LI Lei
Modern Defense Technology    2018, 46 (3): 159-164.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-086x.2018.03.024
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To improve the detection capability of the bistatic multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar and reduce the difficulty of receiving the echo signal processing, an algorithm for bistatic MIMO radar waveform design in presence of signal-dependent interference is proposed, which is based on maximizing signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). The waveform design problem is transformed into the problem of transmitting weighting matrix design basing basic beam, then the problem can be solved by generalized Rayleigh quotient, semi-definite relaxation technique and Charnes-Cooper transform, and the Gaussian randomization method is adopted to get the optimal transmitting weighting matrix vector. The optimal transmitting weighting matrix is obtained by the matrixing operation. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is verified by the simulation results.
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